Digital Interface Validation phase is a pivotal stage in the silicon development life cycle, demanding meticulous testing. Despite its importance, these processes are time, capital, and labor-consuming because of manual emulation of waveforms, manual report generation, custom solution development, and maintainability that can potentially delay your product’s release.
Soliton aims to provide simple, reliable, and out-of-the-box tools for all digital validation needs, enabling faster and more efficient processes with high-quality reports and enabling customers to focus on the critical aspects of their devices.
⇒ Helps to validate the digital interface of the DUT for specific protocol compliance and interoperability.
⇒ Comes with an Interactive User Interface and Out-of-the-box tests to perform Timing (AC), Electrical (DC), Functional, and Fault Reliability Tests.
⇒ Creates a Comprehensive Report of all the tests performed with Pass/Fail Status.
⇒ Works with NI-PXIe 657x hardware stack.
⇒ Supported Protocols include I2C, SPI, MIPI I3C®, MIPI SPMISM, MIPI RFFESM, I2S & TDM, UART, SMBus, PMBus, CAN, MIPI SoundWire®, MIPI SoundWire-I3S, SWD, etc.
⇒ Suitable for Post Silicon Validation of digital interfaces, AC and DC Characterization of the protocol parameters, Chip testing, failure analysis, and emulating target/controller devices for functional testing, etc,
⇒ Soliton can help in performing the protocol compliance tests in our in-house lab as a paid service.
⇒ Supports the above protocol functionalities as Protocol Validation Suite (PVS)
⇒ ISO 9001:2015 certified process.
⇒ Suitable for very sporadic/one-time protocol validation needs.
⇒ It helps the customers to focus on other core functionalities of the DUT while we handle protocol tests.
⇒ In-lab validation services available for selected locations.
⇒ It is a protocol Analyzer that is capable of decoding Packet (Command) information, AC and DC parameters of the selected protocol.
⇒ Creates a Comprehensive Report of all the analyzed waveforms.
⇒ Works with Oscilloscopes/Acquisition Equipments.
⇒ Supported Protocols include I2C, SPI, MIPI I3C®, SMBus, PMBus, etc.
⇒ Suitable for Debug & Analyze the protocol waveforms during DUT communication, Signal integrity Testing, etc.
⇒ Drivers/communication API library development for protocol communication.
⇒ Device communication/register map GUIs.
⇒ SCAN tests using NI Digital Pattern Instrument.
⇒ GPIO validation covering measurements like leakage current, output voltage, rise time/fall time, etc.,
⇒ Digital signal-related measurements like propagation delay, rise time/fall time, etc.,
Multi-Channel SPI | MIPI CSI |
USB – PD | DDR |
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